Minuets from 05.01.2023

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th January 2023 at 7pm in the chapel of the Methodist church.
In Attendance: With Councillor G. Fordham in the Chair there were also present councillor(s), Daff, Corke and Hawkes. District councillor Neil Jones was also present.
Public: There was 3 members of public present.
Absent: Councillor Richardson, Burt, Cooper and County Councillor Tom Ashton.
Public forum:
A member of the public who has recently moved to the area raised concerns with the amount of speed vehicles thought the parish. The chairman told them that the council are having a new pole installed so they can have a permanent reactive speed sign. He also told them that the council have a community speed gun and training for this is only been done via zoom. The council are also waiting on site approval. The clerk was also asked if she could report the speeding to the local PCSO.
1. Chairman’s announcements – The chairman welcomed all present.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from councillor Richardson.
3. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Thursday 6th October 2022 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Daff and Seconded by Councillor Hawkes and RESOLVED by all that the notes be signed.
4. Reports from Police and District Councillor if present.
a) District Councillor Neil Jones told the council that there is a levelling up survey for council tax which they want as many people as possible to fill out. The ELDC office has now moved to Horncastle and the Manby office has been sold. He told the council to make sure they apply for the councillor community find to get donation towards the speed signs.
5. To consider and approve the Following payments
a) Clerks Salary & HMRC - £259.44
b) HMRC - £31.20
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Daff and Seconded by Councillor Fordham and RESOLVED by all that the above payment be approved and duly paid.
c) Hall hire for 2022 - donation?
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Hawkes and Seconded by Councillor Daff and RESOLVED by all that a donation of £100.00 be given.
6. Planning Application/s
a) S/183/02431/22 - THE WILLOWS, LEAGATE ROAD, GIPSEY BRIDGE, BOSTON, PE22 7DA - Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and construction of a new vehicular access. The council have no objections to this application.
b) Enforcement 183/00519/21/S – The clerk was asked to get an update.
7. Correspondence for the Council – The clerk told the council that she had received a complaint from a member of public about the speeding and registering their interest in the CSW initiative.
8. Highways Matters
a) Reactive speed sign, the chairman told the council that they are just waiting for the post to be installed and the sign can be purchased. The clerk was asked to apply for the councillor community grant to see if the parish can get some funding towards it.
b) Councillor Hawkes asked if the cones on the path near the nursey are there for a reason. Council understood that further works may be carried out but they are not necessary at this time.
c) The clerk was asked to request some yellow lines on the corner near the bridge to help stop people parking on a junction.
d) Councillor Hawkes told the council that people are still using Newham lane even though it is a dead end. Councillor Jones told the council he would speak with the county councillor to see if he can get the sign re-erected.
e) Councillor Corke reported a pot hole opposite the Methodist chapel on the road edge.
9. The date of the next meeting is scheduled for 11th May 2023 to commence at 7.00 p.m. in the Chapel of the Methodist Church. This will be the annual parish meeting at 7pm and the annual council meeting at 7:30pm.
10. Any other matters for discussion only or on the next agenda – None.
The meeting closed at 7:45pm.
Signed by chairman:………………………….0 011/05/2023