Minutes from 16th July 2020



Minutes of the remote meeting held on Thursday 16th July 2020 at 7pm via Zoom.

Present: With Councillor Fordham in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Mrs A. Hunt, Mr Hunt, Daff, Smith and Richardson.  District councillor Neil Jones was also present.

Apologies: Councillor Burt.

Public: There were no members of public present.

17. Chairman’s remarks – The chairman welcomed all present.


18. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Councillor Burt and County councillor Tom Ashton was not present.


19. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – There were none.


20. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Thursday 28th May 2020 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman

It was:-

Proposed by Councillor Fordham and Seconded by Councillor Richardson and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman. 


21. To consider and approve the Following payments

a) Zurich Insurance - £178.15 (PAID)

b) Sarah Kulwicki wages - £200.00

      It was:-

Proposed by Councillor Alison Hunt and Seconded by Councillor Daff and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman. 


22. Reports from outside bodies

District Councillor Neil Jones told the council that Boston Borough and East Lindsey District council are joining together in a strategic alliance. This means that both councils will share senior officers to help reduce costs. He also told the council that there is a current government strategy for District councils to be disbanded and only have a county council in place to run all services. This is something that is in discussion at the moment.


23. Highways Issues

a) Councillor Fordham reported that there had been recent closures in the village to repair utility trenches and damaged road edges.

b) Councillor Smith asked if the village sign could be moved back to stop the lorries driving into it as he has repaired it several times. Councillor Fordham told him this is scheduled to be done as it is one of the things he talked about when he had a meeting with Highways.

c) Councillor Fordham reported that Langrick parish council had not yet collected the reactive speed sign as it was not classed as an essential journey so he will continue to charge it so it can be used in the village.



d) Councillor Smith asked that a cracked pavement on the left hand side of Leagate road near kirk yard and Newham lane be reported.

e) Councillor Smith asked if something can be done about the dykes and verges leading to them in the area as they have become very soft. Councillor Richardson said he would speak to Witham Fourth about having the local area inspected as this is something they are doing at the moment.


24. Planning Application/s

A) S/183/00829/20 - 2 THORNTON CLOSE, GIPSEY BRIDGE - Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to the existing dwelling to provide a kitchen/dining room, sauna, wet room, relaxation room and a garage and excavation of land to create an outdoor swimming pool. Councillor Ash Hunt informed the council that the location of the swimming pool had been changed to allow for the 9 meter distance from the dyke. The council will comment on the application when comments are requested.


25. Correspondence for the Council – The clerk informed the council that all correspondence has been sent through email and there is nothing recent to bring to the councils attention.


26. To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Council - The date of the next meeting is scheduled for 8th October 2020. This will be held via Zoom unless a council meeting can be held.


27. Any other matters for discussion only or on the next agenda

a) Councillor Ash Hunt asked that the community speed watch training be added to the next agenda for updates.


The meeting closed at 7:27pm




Signed By Chairman: ……………………………0008.10.20