Minutes from 8th October 2020



Minutes of the remote meeting held on Thursday 8th October 2020 at 7pm via Zoom.

Present: With Councillor Ash Hunt in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Mrs A. Hunt, Daff, Smith and Richardson.  County Councillor Tom Ashton was also present.

Apologies: Councillor Burt.

Public: There were no members of public present.


17. Chairman’s remarks  - The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming.


18. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies revived and accepted from cllr Burt.


19. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation = There were none.


20. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Thursday 16th July 2020 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman

It was:-

Proposed by Cllr Mrs. Hunt and Seconded by Cllr Richardson and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman. 


21. To consider and approve the Following payments

a) Sarah Kulwicki wages - £200.00

b) S. Kulwicki – website - £150.00

It was:-

Proposed by Cllr Ash Hunt and Seconded by Councillor Mrs. A Hunt and RESOLVED by all that the above payment be approved and duly paid.  


c) Churchyard donation to be considered

It was:-

Proposed by Cllr Richardson and Seconded by Councillor Daff and RESOLVED by all that a donation of £200.00 be given.  


22. Reports from outside bodies

County and District cllr Tom Ashton told the council that locally Langrick parish council are working with the district council to secure a lower speed limit in the parish. ELDC are working with Boston Borough council to merge the councils together with shared staff this has been done with the CEO but they are now looking at working on the operations staff to better manage the departments. He also told the council that there have been some local development orders for costal tourism to help improve the overall economy as businesses need to start re-building and there is a balance to be struck.


23. Highways Issues

a) Cllr Smith told the council that the bridge in the village could be structurally unsafe as it has started to vibrate. The clerk was asked to report this to highways.



b) Cllr Smith reported that the speeding in the village has gotten worse during school times and canister lane seems to be a problem area. He has also seen children not being appropriately strapped in car seats. The clerk was asked to contact the local pcso to see if they can attend during school times.

c) Cllr Alison Hunt told the council that the parking at the school has gotten much worse. The clerk was asked to contact the school to see if a reminder could be sent out to parents.

d) Cllr Daff reported that the sign in Langrick pointing to Gipsey bridge has been nocked down and not replaced. The clerk informed the council that this is something Langrick parish council are dealing with.


24. Planning Application/s – Nothing to report as all sent via email.


25. Correspondence for the Council - Nothing to report as all sent via email.


26. To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Council and put in place the meeting dates for 2021.

Meeting Dates for Thornton Le Fen Parish Council:

Thursday 07th January 2021

Thursday 06th May 2021

Thursday 08th July 2021

Thursday 07th October 2021

       It was:-

Proposed by Cllr Richardson and Seconded by Cllr Daff and RESOLVED by all that the meeting dates be approved. 


27. Any other matters for discussion only or on the next agenda – There were none.


The meeting closed at 7:40pm


Signed by chairman……………………0007.01.2021