Minutes from 5th May 2022 ACM

Minutes of the remote meeting held on Thursday 05th May 2022 at 7:30pm in the chapel of the Methodist church. 
Present: With Councillor G. Fordham in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Daff, Hawkes and Richardson.  
Apologies: Councillor Burt.    
Public: there were 3 members of public present. 
Public forum: 
A member of public present made the council aware of an event taking place on Castle gate on Sunday 5th June to celebrate her majesty’s jubilee. The clerk told the members of public that they may need to apply for a road closure but they informed her that they have already spoken with LCC and it was not needed. There will be themed decorations, bouncy castle, tables and chairs for people to attend it will be on a bring your own food and drink basis, perhaps some entertainment may be provided too. They wanted to ask the council for a donation towards the event to help with the costs. 

1. Election of Chairman, signing of declaration of acceptance of office.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Daff that councillor Fordham be the chairman for 2022-2023 and seconded by Councillor Richardson and RESOLVED. Councillor Fordham accepted and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 
There were no other nominations. 

2. Election of Vice Chairman, signing of declaration of acceptance of office.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Daff that councillor Richardson  be the Vice- Chairman for 2022-2023, Councillor Richardson refused the nomination. 

It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Richardson that councillor Daff  be the Vice- Chairman for 2022-2023 and seconded by Councillor Fordham and RESOLVED. Councillor Daff accepted and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 

3. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Burt. 

4. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 local government Act – There were none. 

5. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Thursday 6th January 2022 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was:- 
Proposed by Councillor Daff and Seconded by Councillor Richardson and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.  
6. The co-option of any potential candidates present 
Patrick Corke registered his interest with the council and wanted to become a member.
It was:- 
Proposed by Councillor Fordham and Seconded by Councillor Richardson and RESOLVED by all that Patrick Corke be co-opted onto the council.   

7. Reports from Police and District/ County Councillor if present. – none. 

8. Broadband- Fibre scheme to be discussed (offer expired) – Council discussed this matter and the options available to them. Council did not want the liability of Wildmore parish councils costs if the houses in their parish did not sign up. The clerk told the council that the offer has expired and they would need to survey the area again. Councillor Daff approached all the houses in Thornton Le fen and the 21 on the list wanted to be a part of the scheme. 
       It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Richardson that the council only take on the scheme if they can only be liable for their 21 houses. Seconded by Councillor Daff and Resolved.  The clerk was asked to get in touch with Wildmore Parish council and update them to see what their action will be. 

9. Queens Jubilee – Donation 
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Richardson and seconded by Councillor Fordham and RESOLVED that a donation of £250.00 be given to help with the costs of the event. As this group is not constituted and has no bank account the clerk asked that they provide receipts for expenses for the event which she will then reimburse with councils approval. 

10. To consider and approve the Following payments
a) LALC Annual Subs- £140.20
b) ICO Data protection - £40.00  
c) Clerks Salary and working from home - £172.45
d) HMRC PAYE – £28.80 (no payment needed account in credit)
e) Zurich - £180.39
f) ELDC Precept overpayment refund to ELDC - £1,231.00
It was:- 
Proposed by Councillor Daff and Seconded by Councillor Hawkes and Resolved that the above payments be approved and duly paid.  

11. Planning Application/s
a) Canister Lane – Clerk told the council that the planning officer dealing with the case is away but once they return the case will be investigated. 

12. Correspondence for the Council – None. 

13. Highways Matters
a)  Councillor Daff reported the potholes and subsidence on Leagate road, there is a large dip outside no 60. 
b) Councillor Corke told the council that there is damage to the bridges parapet. The clerk was asked to report this.
c) Councillor Richardson told the council he will speak with IDB about the tree on Leagate road near the reactive speed sign.
d) Councillor Corke told the council that Leagate Road is being used more often by large HGVs which are causing damages to the road edges which will eventually fall into the dyke. He told the council that the road needs a weight limit. The clerk was asked to report the damaged road edges. 

14. Reactive Speed sign – Councillor Fordham told the council that the parish does not have the sign at the moment. 

15. To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Council - The date of the next meeting is scheduled for 7th July 2022 at 7.00 p.m. in the Chapel of the Methodist Church. 
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Fordham and Seconded by councillor Daff and resolved that the meeting date be changed to 30th June to allow for the accounts forms to be approved in time.  
16. Any other matters for discussion only or on the next agenda – There were none. 

The meeting closed at 8:40pm 

Signed by chairman: …………………………….    0030.06.2022